Now, one more myth of the media. What exactly did President Bush authorize? From Strata-Sphere on 2/5/06:In this debate, however, I have been concerned that some who've asked, "Why not FISA?" do not understand how that statute really works.
GONZALES: To be sure, FISA allows the government to begin electronic surveillance without a court order for up to 72 hours in emergency situations or circumstances.
But before that emergency provision can be used, the attorney general must make a determination that all of the requirements of the FISA statute are met in advance.
This requirement can be cumbersome and burdensome.
Intelligence officials at NSA first have to assess that they have identified a legitimate target. After that, lawyers at NSA have to review the request to make sure it meets all the requirements of the statute. And then lawyers at the Justice Department must also review the request and reach the same judgment or insist on additional information before processing the emergency application.
Finally I, as attorney general, must review the request and make the determination that all of the requirements of FISA are met.
But even this is not the end of the story.
Each emergency authorization must be followed by a detailed formal application to the FISA courts within three days. The government must prepare legal documents laying out all of the relevant facts and law and obtain the approval of a Cabinet-level officer as well as a certification from a senior official with mass security responsibility, such as the director of the FBI.
Finally, a judge must review, consider and approve the application.
All of these steps take time. Al Qaida, however, does not wait.
While FISA is appropriate for general foreign intelligence collection, the president made the determination that FISA is not always sufficient for providing the sort of nimble early-warning system we need against Al Qaida.
Just as we can't demand that our soldiers bring lawyers onto the battlefield, let alone get the permission of the attorney general or a court before taking action, we can't afford to impose layers of lawyers on top of career intelligence officers who are striving valiantly to provide a first line of defense by tracking secretive Al Qaida operatives in real time.
Remember "connecting the dots?" Remember the 9/11 Commission's Report about the Wall between law enforcement agencies? A Wall placed there by none other than Jamie Gorelick, a 9/11 commissioner? If the hysteria of the Left wins, that Wall will be put back, stronger than ever. One of the provisions of The Patriot Act currently twisting in the wind due to Democrat intransigence is the removal of that Wall.As I posted earlier, it was divulged in the 1970's, during the Church Committee investigations, that NSA routinely intercepts calls to people in the US when monitoring overseas enemies - it is unavoidable. What the NSA did if and when this happened was to bury the information regarding the US side of the communication.
This is probably how 9-11 murderers Midhar and Hazmi were missed when they were making all their calls overseas to what had to be targets of the CIA and German intelligence. The NSA would see the call, but due to short sighted and lazy policies that avoided arguing why these people should be monitored, their information would never be transmitted to the FBI.
What Bush did was direct the NSA to send their leads in the US to the FBI for investigation. That's it. Even if the NSA did expand it surveillance into new methods, without opening the gate between the NSA and FBI the leads would still be hidden from domestic law enforcement.
Amendment IV.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
On the topic of the wiretapping, my issue has never been with preserving the safety of American Citizens from possible terrorist or terrorist attacks. My issue is with the way that the lines between what is "legal" and what is not "legal" became far too obscure and blurred as has been evidenced in the hearings with Mr. Gonzales this week. It appears, to the average American Citizen, that the lines have been intentionally blurred and obscured to support something (that by the definition of freedom of speech and the laws regarding privacy of Americans) would not have elsewise been allowable.
In the aftermath of September 11, Americans for a time became terrified. We were angry, confused and afraid of what would come at us next--a situation that had not happened on American land since Dec. 7, 1941. Much like the occasion of Pearl Harbor, American's pulled out the patriotism and the heroism that was needed to pull our nation through a colossus of tragedy and we survived. No.. we THRIVED! However, how long will we live in fear (either real or contrived by others)? What for our worrying will we add or delete to from the plan that is above us and around us? The answer is simple: not a thing. Yes, we need to be cautious. Yes, we need to be wily and crafty to outwit those that would do intentional harm to our country or our citizens, but will that be at the expense of the Freedoms that this country was founded on? I for one would answer that question as a resounding, clanging NO! NO! NO!
I would rather live one day of freedom in my homeland and face the possibility of tragedy on the dawn of the next--then to live in constant fear, never fully experiencing the beauty of my land, my life and my liberty because I am too afraid of what the dawn may bring!
My heart's wish is that this country would remember that we have a back bone and it is not dictated by Washington, its policies or its politicans. All that American's will ever truly need, lives in the heart of every free, liberty loving American. The honor that is upheld in New Hampshire's state motto is one that all American's should look to as the standard of what the true American value on Freedom is:
"Live FREE or Die."
Nariel of Ancient Eyes for Current TimesIt is not so hard really-- the love and the peace are still there, if we can simply remove the veils from over our cynical eyes to SEE it.
They are in the quietest of places, anonymous givers of gifts, little miracles that still happen all the time.
They are in boxes going overseas to our military personnel from churches and individuals that may never even have met them before, but care all the more.
They are in turkeys and trimmings that are provided from our "kettle gifts" to the Salvation Army.
They are hanging as wishes on the "Giving" or "Angel" trees in most every store nationwide, a child's wish begging to be fulfilled by the spirit and nature of Santa Claus that dwells in all of us.
They are in the smiles that people muster as they bustle through crowded aisles in stores.
They are in the many hours of preparation that church choirs undertake to sing the songs you most love to hear.
They are in the sermons of Pastors and Priests worldwide that are being written and practiced for your benefit even now, a week before hand.
Christmas is all-encompassing if we allow it to be.
It is a wonderful season of memories of times gone by, loved ones missed, cherished babies that are soon to be born.
It is in every cutting of every sugar cookie that a mother undertakes.
It is also in her frantic list making as she plans the holiday meal.
But more then this...
The magic and wonder of Christmas is found in our ability to BELIEVE. For that indeed, is what it all hinges upon!
In this world of today, we are told that "Seeing is believing" yet the reverse is true. "Believing is seeing". That which we can conceive of in our minds, embrace with our hearts is what allows us to see the wonders of Christmas.
Who amongst us can say that we have 'nothing', when we look at a lowly stable scene? The picture of a mother, a foster father, a Child-- surrounded by hay and animals is the gauge by which we measure what we have and what we do not have; what is truly important and of value, and what is not.
Two thousand years ago, we were given an example of simplicity, of peace, of love, of giving. Can we look within ourselves and around ourselves as we fuss with ribbons and bows and boxes and shopping-- to find the remnant of that simplicity today? By believing, my friends shall we see it.
No matter what one's faith in this world, the holiday season rings the bells of unity between us all. In every culture, winter brings us to the depth of cold and dark and the lesson is FAITH and BELIEF.
Can we believe that beyond this cold--there is warmth at the hearth of our hearts? Beyond this darkness, can we believe that the light is not extinguished nor even lessened?
For Israel, they had faith that the lamp oil would not go out and they would not be overcome. For the Christian, they have faith that the light of the Wonder Child of Christmas has not dimmed but burns all the more brightly even to today. For the Pagan, they have faith that the winter will yield to spring again and new growth on earth will begin again, in the cycle of life.
Christmas is the season of FAITH.
The Birth of Jesus Christ
Matthew1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 19 And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. 20 But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” 22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet:
23 "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall call his name Immanuel" (which means, God with us).
24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus. ...
The Visit of the Wise Men
Matthew 2:1 Now after
Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise
men from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, "Where is he who has been born king of the
Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him." 3 When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; 4 and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. 5 They told him,
“In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet:
6 "And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel."
7 Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him." 9 After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. 11 And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they
offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. 12 And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.
We were not strong enough to drive out a half-million American troops, but that wasn't our aim. Our intention was to break the will of the American government to continue the war.
The aftermath of the collapse of American power in Vietnam-and how they ran and left their agents-is noteworthy. Because of that, we must be ready starting now, before events overtake us, and before we are surprised by the conspiracies of the Americans and the United Nations and their plans to fill the void behind them. We must take the initiative and impose a fait accompli upon our enemies, instead of the enemy imposing one on us, wherein our lot would be to merely resist their schemes.The first is from an interview by the North Vietnamese General Giap to Stanley Karnow in his epic on the war: Vietnam: A History. The second is from Aman al-Zawahiri to Zarqawi in Iraq. It is clear that Al-Qaeda has learned the lessons of Vietnam. It is a continuing horror to me that the Left in this nation has not learned the lessons, but instead wish to repeat history by abandoning an ally we have sworn to defend.
However, sadly - some here want to embolden the enemy by saying we just cut and run. That's just irresponsible and unconscionable.The approach the terrorists have chosen is the same as General Giap a generation ago. Hang on, cause death and destruction, and Americans will pull out. So far, the Left in this nation is following the same game plan in calling for a pull out. This time the stakes are far higher. Pulling out of Vietnam caused millions of deaths, but those deaths were across the Pacific, so the Left could conveniently ignore them. This time, should we bow to the fear and intimidation of terrorists, the deaths will be here, in our business centers, our malls, our schools, and our churches. The main front for World War IV has moved from Ground Zero in New York City to Iraq. Should the Left, and Al-Qaeda, win this debate, the front will return to this nation. We cannot afford to allow that to happen.
"I have to ask - What would Iraq be like if the United States pulled out -- allowing dangerous people like the head of al-Qaida, Zarqawi, to run the country? What would that mean for the region? The world?
"Al Qaida rules with death, fear, terror and blood. Al Qaida takes innocent people hostage - then beheads them - and then brags about it on the internet.
"Al Qaida has no respect for human life. They prey on innocent people to do their dirty work - because they know we don't target schools and hospitals and mosques - yet those are the exact places that they're using for safe cover.
"Al Qaida will kidnap loved ones - especially very young children - of people trying to build democracy - like local leaders - to scare them out of helping out the new country. They're taking kids hostage - because parents want a new life and a better future for their children. Why is that such a crime?
"What part of Al Qaida do you want operating here in America?
"Al Qaida is a world-wide organization and world-wide threat. I don't want any part of this. Americans don't want, need or deserve al Qaida. Our troops are over in Iraq fighting not just for our freedom and protection - but freedom for the world.
"We must fight the bad guys over there - not over here. WE must support our troops to the hilt so they don't go to bed at night - covered in talcum-powder thin white sand wondering - "Does America really support me."
"In case people have forgotten, this is the same thing that happened in Vietnam. Peaceniks and people in Congress - and America - started saying bad things about what was going on over there. Let me tell you what it did for troop morale. It's a real downer. I just pray our troops and their families can block this noise out and know that I will fight like mad to make sure our troops have everything they need - for as long as they need - to win the global war on terrorism.
"Withdrawal is not an option!
"I hope and pray every Member of Congress stands up and says to our troops 'THANK YOU' and 'AMERICA SUPPORTS YOU.' To them I say, God bless you and I salute you.
Craig H. of Red Satellites
Thank you very much Craig for your contribution to Balance of Power this week! It's great to see so many guest authors and bloggers becoming involved here and certainly gives a well-rounded perspective on today's current issues.
Now... on with the Show!
I found it interesting that from the onset of the article, the word "Media" was polarized between the "conservative" and "liberal". To me, the media is the media. Sometimes its hard-hitting news that is worthy of print, other times it is stuff that really serves only the point of chucklesome reading in the "Throne Room" as the potty is often called around my folks' house! ;0) But I don't know that I completely buy into the notion that there is a wholly "conservative media" or wholly "liberal media". There is media that is filtered through "conservatives" and "liberals", which of course does not necessarily make it either conservative or liberal per se, but makes it a sort of "for your eyes only" for whatever perspective one might be.
While this particular author seems to show an outright contempt for socialism, secularism and moral relativism to others this IS their viewpoint therefore in a media that exists in a country that is diverse as our own, it has the inherent duty to show all the sides of the contemporary issues, irregardless of if there are a few persons that it might infuriate, irritate and otherwise knicker-knot along the way. It's not so different really, then the moments of nausea that I experience when the local news does their broadcast that is decidedly Christian, Conservative and neither "hard hitting" OR "news" to myself.
I have a choice--as an adult viewer of the local news as to if I will sit and watch it--with an eye to informing myself better –or- changing the channel to say oh..."The Simpsons" or "King of the Hill". I don't sit back and rant and rave and gnash my teeth over it (okay, sometimes I do! *grin*) I simply watch the news as it is reported--take what it is, filter it through my own perceptions, keep what is useful and "File 13" the rest.
I for one am glad that the mainstream media does NOT spend an overtly long amount of time on stories that are wholly conservative nor wholly liberal by my standards, though I do feel that there is a great lot of news that is "withheld" for whatever be the reason and find online sites such as "What Really Happened" rather interesting, thought provoking and informative as well. That's the beauty of a Media that is *NOT* wholly Church OR State controlled. If you don't believe me, ask anyone that had to sit through TASS back during
I completely agree that the savage beheading of three, school girls IS news. Without a doubt! Would I have liked to know about something like that, without a doubt! However, at the same time, there is only ONE headline that will fit on a Newspaper on any given day. For that day, the newspapers evidently felt that the story regarding U.S. Soldiers assaulting persons in
Now, since I'm NOT an Editor and do not give one whit about how much the rags earn in a day I can tell you...that of the two stories, *I* would have wanted to know the story behind these brutal acts in Jakarta before reading yet more of the fodder on the military and its inner machinations. But, that's just me. I only spend maybe a buck a month on newspapers.
So while I can totally sympathize with what this Author says in his BoP article--I can also understand that in the high dollar world of Mass Media, what sells--what is contemporary and of interest to the masses--is what is going to be on the Headline of Page One.
Nice thing is-- my knickers aren't knotted up in a bunch over it and I am intelligent and can find the news that I personally seek where I may find it. The LA Times isn't crying because I don't buy it and I'm not crying cause I don't have it.
Why a discussion of the Protestant Reformation in a book on blogging? The short answer: because the sixteenth and twenty-first centuries share a dramatic element in common-the birth of a revolution in communication technology.The invention of the printing press spelled the end for the old keepers of knowledge in the sixteenth century. The invention of the new media of blogging spells the end for the old media in the same way. And the MSM, or Mainstream Media, is just now beginning to realize the shift. The fall of Trent Lott, Dan Rather, Eason Jordan of CNN, and in large part John Kerry occurred because bloggers went around, over and under the established keepers of knowledge at the established jounalistic institutions. The days of The New York Times setting the agenda for the current news cycle are over. As are the days of proclaiming themselves "objective journalists."
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